Reverse Logistic Practices on
Household Medical Disposal in India and its Impacts on Environment
Kumar. T*, Saravanan. S
Department of Management Studies, Anna University (BIT
Campus), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Reverse logistics refers to managing a supply chain in
reverse direction from the consumers to the manufacturers. Reverse logistics is
the part of supply chain management practice that flow of products and
information from the customers to the manufacturers for the purpose of value
recapture and proper disposal. It becomes more challenging, mainly, in the
background of supply chains of perishable products. The pharmaceutical
medicines are time perishable which plays an important role in order to cure,
prevent and diagnose human disease and keep people healthy. It is important
issue that the disposal of pharmaceutical medicines to the environment and it
requires special handling to dispose. Pharmaceutical medicine waste is a form
of medical waste that includes unused or expired household medications. This
study is performed by using secondary data collection method as review of
various literatures. In this study we discussed various disposal practices of
unwanted or expired household pharmaceutical medicines and proposed a
conceptual framework model about disposal practices, type of medicines and
amount of impacts.
KEY WORDS: Reverse
logistics practices, Disposal practices, Environmental hazards, Household
Reverse logistics is defined as “all activities
associated with a product/service after the point of sale, the ultimate goal to
optimize or make more efficient aftermarket activity, thus saving money and
environmental resources” Reverse Logistics Association, (2009). According to
Rogers D.S and R. S. Tibben-Lembke, (1998) reverse logistics is defined as the process
of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow
of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information
from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose of
recreate value or proper disposal”.
Ritchie et al, (2000) discussed the reverse logistics
functions of hospitals. They mentioned three activities of reverse logistics namely
recycle, reuse, and disposal which can be applied on the basis of the
reliability of medicines. The main purpose of reverse logistics is to reduce
the handling cost while increasing the value from the goods, or proper
disposal. Reverse logistics in the pharmaceutical industry is particularly
important from the economic, environmental as well as regulatory point of view.
Malik Iqbal Kabir, (2013)
defined reverse logistics as process of handling of products back to
manufacturers or producers end. Haidar Abbas and Jamal A Farooquie
(2013) discussed that Reverse logistics practices in pharmaceutical industry as
four practices. That are donation,
disposition, store, return and the disposal practices of unwanted medicines are
throw (Threw them into the trash) , flush (Flushed down into the toilets or
sink) , bury (Dumped in environment) and
burn (Incineration)
Disposal Process of
Pharmaceutical Medicines:
Several important considerations for the industry when
it comes to reverse logistics are the safekeeping of the returned goods,
maintaining the cost low with the assist of computerization, traceability of
the goods returned from the customer to the final point of disposition. Indian
Brand Equity Foundation stated that the Indian pharmaceuticals market is the 3rdlargest
in terms of volume and 13th largest in terms of value in the world.
The Indian pharmaceuticals market increased at a Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) of 17.46% in 2015 from US$ 6 billion in 2005 and is expected to expand
at a CAGR of 15.92 per cent to US$ 55 billion by 2020. By 2020, India is likely
to be among the top three pharmaceutical markets by incremental growth and 6thlargest
market globally in absolute size. Manal El-Hamamsy (2011) People may not use all the medications
provided to them due to side effect, treatment changes, withdrew the
medication, or medicines reached the expiration date. Therefore, it is not
unusual for patients to be in possession of unused or expired medications.
Alfred YC Tong et al (2011) had given a review of pharmaceuticals have been
widely identified in the environment and in a few cases can lead to harmful
effects on natural world.
Entry paths of
pharmaceuticals into environment (Source: Helene Morissette2006)
Disposal practices or metabolic excretion of humans
can be the reason for the entry path of pharmaceutical medicines into the
environment. The drinking water is ultimately affected by the transformation of
pharmaceutical medicines through landfills and water bodies. It can cause huge
impact on human life. So, it is very essential to minimize the disposal of
medicines which affects the environment.
Marisa P. de Brito and Rommert Dekker, (2003) discussed with the variables:
Driving forces and return reasons, what types of products are streaming back,
how they are being recovered, and who is executing and managing the various
operations. S.
K. Sharma et al, (2011) analysed the barriers for
reverse logistics by methodology of interpretive structural modelling.
It gives out the root an influence of barriers in Reverse Logistics. Arvind Jayant, P.Gupta and
S.K.Garg, (2011) performed case study approach to identify the problem. This study covers
study of the complete supply chain and to analyze the future performance of the
reverse logistics network and to understand the complex relationship between
the parties involved in reverse logistics operation. Kuan Siew Khor and Zulkifli Mohamed
Udin, (2012) analyzed various literature reviews about the product disposition and
bring out the research framework as Reverse Logistics product disposition with
business performances of EandE companies in Malaysia.
Rajesh Kumar
Tyagi et al, (2012) proposed a framework with
managerial drivers of Reverse Logistics Facilities, Handling, Ease of Access, and
Information. Mohamad
Tabikh, (2013) in his paper analyzed various journals of PandOM
field and gives out the research characteristics on reverse logistics in the
methodology of secondary data (online journals) . This paper used to classify
the research topic, analyze the methodologies and tools for research. Sergio Rubio and Beatriz
Jiménez-Parra, (2014) gives out the
concepts of reverse logistics and its implications for supply chain management.
The decisions regarding Reverse logistics implementation based on three
activities as collection of eou products, inspection and classification and
recovery process. (Isabel Fernández and Beatriz Junquera) discussed the case analysis about the
relationship between repair activities, reverse logistics and sustainable
development. By the methodology of secondary data in that comparative analysis
was conducted and gives out definite assumptions for case analysis. S. Senthil,
R. Sridharan, (2014) discussed the
various published journal about Reverse Logistics for the researchers and gives
out integrating product recovery into the network design poses a major
challenge in any industry. Gowri Vijayan et al, (2014) introduced a framework that
adoption level of RL and firmographic characteristics
with the variables like environment concern, firmographic
characters, Barriers to adoption.
Researcher conducted this study with the review of various literatures
to investigate the implementation of RL for remanufacturing strategy in
Caterpillar: manufacturing sector and its impact on customer satisfaction
levels Ahmed
Gamal Mohamed et al, (2015) . Kannan Govindhan et al, (2015) give out
comprehensive review of scientific journals that related to reverse logistics
and closed loop supply chain. The authors categorized the recently published
papers with the suggestion of future opportunities of Reverse Logistics.
A. Pruss, E. Giroult, P.Rushbrook, (1999) prepared a book that gives
out the Safe management of wastes from health-care activities concerned with
environmental implications. Vika Lutui, (2001) discussed the
Tongan waste management tends to impact on environment. They suggest the waste
management practices with regulated policies, waste minimization initiatives. Helene Morissette, (2006) gives out the
project report highlighted a variety of issue associated with the current
process of disposal of unused drugs. Wan-hih Tom, (2007) gives out an article about
federal disposal guidelines to the medicines which can be disposed throw trash
and flushed down in toilets. Asma Khan and Masood Subzwari, (2009) described the Reverse Logistics practices in
pharmaceutical industries in Pakistan as the reverse logistics (RL) process management can improve the efficiency
of overall supply chain with the variables: Medicines return, Inventory
management through RFID. Shailendra Kumar Mandal
and Joydeep Dutta, (2009) discussed the
solid waste management plan for Patna city. A model is proposed by authors for
the solid waste management (bio medical)
to the institute of town planners. Sharma Natasha et al, (2010) provided a
solution for environmental impacts by pharmaceutical wastes. By various groups
involved to make the environment eco-friendly. Liz Breen et al, (2010) discussed the issue of how to reduce the
volume of waste medicine by creating a framework with Customer advice and
support, customer relationship management, product management, effective
inventory management and drivers of customer compliance. Ying Xie, Liz Breen,
(2010) Approach: Cross boundary green pharmaceutical supply chain resulted in
fewer preventable medication waste and more recycling of inevitable medication
waste, therefore improved environmental, economic and safety performances. Alfred YC Tong et al,
(2011) discussed the valid disposal practices is returning the medicines to the
pharmacies will reduce the environmental issues. Suggested that a need for
increased environmental awareness amongst community pharmacists in New Zealand.
El-Hamamsy, (2011) conducted this study to knew about the disposal methods of unused
medicine, returned medicines to pharmacies and how cost in Cairo, Egypt with
the variables: classified drugs from pharmacies, disposal methods. Ana Margarida Santos
Bravo, José Crespo de Carvalho, (2012) performed this study with the goal was to merge
finding from previous work developed by the authors in areas like
pharmaceutical recalls, retains and sustainable practices, challenges that the
industry is facing not only to be accounted as responsible. Md. Abul Kalam Azad et al,
(2012) conducted this study with the aim that create awareness among the effect
of environment by medicine wastes and suggested that to develop of public
awareness and there is also need to develop dispensing policies and delivered
to collection bag which deduction the volume of medication waste. Sushmita Narayana Aghalaya
et al, (2012) analyzed the difficulties affecting the reverse logistics processes in
the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Gupta Dharmendar et al, (2013) conducted this
study to explore opinion and practice toward unused medication disposal with
the variables of type of disease and medications, disposal method. Radhakrishna Lagishetty et
al, (2013) conducted this study to evaluate the practice towards disposal of
medicines. They analyzed the disposal methods with that recommended Physicians,
Pharmacists have to create awareness to the patients of environmental issue. Suruchi Aditya, (2013) aimed to explore the knowledge, attitude, beliefs
about drug wastage and methods to dispose unused and leftover medications at
home with the variables: Disposal methods, Demographic variables. Malik Iqbal Kabir, (2013) discussed the
perception of those industry practices on the environment and sustainability
practiced by organizations has shown less enthusiasm than once thought. Shaurabh Singh et al, (2013) discussed the strategic framework for reverse
logistics withvariables: Quality defect, Loss of effectiveness and
proposed framework of Enterprise Resource Planning system for recovery. Innocent A.
Jereme et al,(2013) discussed the issues of incineration disposal
method of waste management with objective to reiterate that incineration is not
a sustainable waste management system. Haidar
Abbas and Jamal A Farooquie, (2013) discussed the logistics practice of
pharmaceutical operations with return and disposal practices as throw, flush,
bury, burn and return management. Asante OB et
al, (2014) found out the
practices of healthcare waste management and its impact, they
analyzed the health care policies of Ghana and enforces the local government to
improve the current situation and to protect the environment and human health. K.Sreekanth et al,(2014) analyzed Reverse Logistics in the Indian
Pharmaceuticals Industry with the variables: Forms of waste, Regulation, waste
management approach, Drug characteristics. Tadele Atinafu et al, (2014) described the main objective of this paper was to assess unused medications
disposal practice of patients of university with the variables: Demographic,
Reason for disposal. Kwame
Owusu Kwateng et al, (2014) revealed
a gap in the flow of reverse logistic activities; from drug returns to its
disposal and gives out efficient method for drug disposal by pharmaceutical
manufacturing companies in Ghana. Dua
Weraikat et al, (2015) gives out the pharmaceutical reverse supply
chain aimed to reduce the disposal of medicine by recycling the waste. Need
For the Study is with increasing world population today, there is a huge need
to manage the community facilities including solid waste collection and disposal.
Within the area of pharmaceutical waste, disposal of medicines acquires a
special dimension, since it is infectious and environmental hazardous. It is
capable of dispersing syndrome or be harmful to individuals. So the purpose of
study is about the disposal practices of unwanted medicines and to find out its
impact on environment.
This paper considered various journal papers to get
the conceptual framework about pharmaceutical waste in household. By using
secondary data collection method, we reviewed various journals and proposed a
model for methods of disposal practices, types of medicines and amount of
environmental impacts.
Proposed Model
This paper presents a review of literature in reverse
logistics. The review has been made on around forty papers considering the
reverse logistics practices and disposal of pharmaceutical medicines. Disposal
practice of unused or expired medicines varies from country to country. In
India, the awareness about the disposal practices of household medicines is
very low. So, it may be a big issue for the environment. In some papers, many
authors discussed about the environmental impacts of various disposal practices
but, in India there is no specific study conducted about the household
pharmaceutical disposal practices and its impacts on environment. This study is
an attempt to fill this research gap. After a comprehensive literature review
in the context of Pharmaceutical industry, the disposal practices can be found
and proposed a model about the disposal practices, type of medicines and amount
of impacts. The impacts of environment can find by collecting real time data
from leading experts and physicians from various cities in India.
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Received on 17.03.2016 Accepted on 15.04.2016
© Asian Pharma
Press All Right Reserved
Asian J. Pharm.
Res. 2016; 6(2): 95-99
DOI: 10.5958/2231-5691.2016.00016.2