Swapna. A. S, Vishnu M V, Irene V R, Meera T R, Farsana A, Melba Paulson, Joona E
Swapna. A. S*, Vishnu M V, Irene V R, Meera T R, Farsana A, Melba Paulson, Joona E
Sanjo College of Pharmaceutical Studies, Chithali Post, Vellapara, Palakkad, Kerala- 678702.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 1,
Year - 2021
Nowadays synthetic indicators are the choice of acid - base titrations. But due to environmental pollution, cost and availability, the search for natural compounds as an acid - base indicator was started. The present study was designed to evaluate the juice extracted from flower petals of Allamanda blanchetii (Family: Apocyanaceae) as a titration indicator. A comparative study of Allamanda blanchetii flower juice, a natural indicator, with synthetic indicators like phenolphthalein, methyl orange and neutral red – methylene blue mixed indicators were carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the water extract of the flower as an acid base indicator. Promising results were obtained for Allamanda blanchetii flower extract when compared against standard synthetic indicators. Titration shows sharp colour change at the equivalence point. The equivalence points obtained by the flower extract coincide with the equivalence point obtained by standard indicators. This natural indicator is found to be very useful, economical, simple and accurate for acid base titrations. According to all the evidence obtained after titrimetric analysis, the water extract of the flower shows effective and accurate results as that of synthetic indicators in acid base titrations. The advantage of using natural indicators in titrations is that, they can be prepared freshly and they are economical and ecofriendly.
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Swapna. A. S, Vishnu M V, Irene V R, Meera T R, Farsana A, Melba Paulson, Joona E. Allamanda blanchetii flower extract as an improvised indicator in acid base Titration. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 2021; 11(1):6-8. doi: 10.5958/2231-5691.2021.00002.2
Swapna. A. S, Vishnu M V, Irene V R, Meera T R, Farsana A, Melba Paulson, Joona E. Allamanda blanchetii flower extract as an improvised indicator in acid base Titration. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 2021; 11(1):6-8. doi: 10.5958/2231-5691.2021.00002.2 Available on:
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