Sajan Maharjan, Menuka Luitel, Rabina Rai, Sagun Shrestha
Sajan Maharjan*, Menuka Luitel, Rabina Rai, Sagun Shrestha
Department of Pharmacy, CiST College, Affiliated to Pokhara University, Sangam Chowk, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
Effervescence granules are unique dosage forms having a drug and effervescent base, composed of sodium carbonate, citric acid, and tartaric acid. These combinations when added to water react to liberate Carbondioxide resulting in effervescence. The liberation of Carbondioxide not only enhances the dissolution of the API in water but also enhances the taste masking effect. The aim of the study is to formulate and evaluate the effervescent granules of metronidazole by melt granulation method. Effervescent granules of metronidazole were formulated by melt granulation process in which meltable binder i.e., Cetyl alcohol was used. Formulations having varying composition of Cetyl alcohol and sodium starch glycolate were prepared. Evaluation tests for carr’s index, bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, effervescence cessation time and in-vitro drug release studies were performed. The results showed that the formulated granules have good flow properties. All 13 formulations have effervescent time less than 3 mins and the invitro drug release complied with in the IP specifications as well. Metronidazole Effervescence Granules were successfully prepared using melt granulation process using SSG and Cetyl alcohol as dependent variables.
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Sajan Maharjan, Menuka Luitel, Rabina Rai, Sagun Shrestha. Formulation and Evaluation of Metronidazole Effervescent Granules. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2024; 14(4):349-4. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00055
Sajan Maharjan, Menuka Luitel, Rabina Rai, Sagun Shrestha. Formulation and Evaluation of Metronidazole Effervescent Granules. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2024; 14(4):349-4. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00055 Available on:
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