Adsul Samruddhi Subhash, Wable Madhuri Sanjay, Ugale Vaishnavi Sanjay, Kardile Sayli Dadasaheb
Adsul Samruddhi Subhash, Wable Madhuri Sanjay, Ugale Vaishnavi Sanjay, Kardile Sayli Dadasaheb
Swasthyadarpan Pratishthan’s, Shantiniketan College of Pharmacy, A/P. Dhotre (B.K), Tal. Parner, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra - 414304, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 4,
Year - 2024
The science of building devices or robots atornearthe nanoscale is known as nanorobotics The microscopic scale of nanometer is (10 – 9 meter) scale. Nobel physicist Richard P. Feynman suggested that nanomachines, nanorobots, and nanodevices could one day be used to build a vast array of atomically precise microscale sensors, industrial machinery, and ultrasmall devices. One possible use for biotechnology, molecular biology, and molecular medicine is the development of fully autonomous nanorobots. Sophisticated submicron devices made of nanocomponents are known as nanorobotics, and they are seen to represent a glorious, desired future in healthcare. Large amounts of anti-cancer drugs could be transported and distributed by nanorobots into sick cells without endangering healthy cells, therefore reducing the side effects of current treatments like chemotherapy damage. Significant advancements have been made in the field of micro-nanorobotics research over the last two decades. The article's goal is to present and evaluate some of the most significant and cutting-edge research projects completed in the last few years. This article focuses on the ways in which the use of nanorobotics has recently influenced the advancement of cutting-edge research and the development of microrobots, nanorobots, and non-conventional bigger robotic systems. The main way that nanorobots vary from macroworld robots is in their nanoscale construction.
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Adsul Samruddhi Subhash, Wable Madhuri Sanjay, Ugale Vaishnavi Sanjay, Kardile Sayli Dadasaheb. Review on Nanorobotics: The Future of Medicine. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2024; 14(4):387-1. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00061
Adsul Samruddhi Subhash, Wable Madhuri Sanjay, Ugale Vaishnavi Sanjay, Kardile Sayli Dadasaheb. Review on Nanorobotics: The Future of Medicine. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.2024; 14(4):387-1. doi: 10.52711/2231-5691.2024.00061 Available on:
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