Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Hypertension is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and heart failure. Keeping blood pressure under control is important for health preserving and reducing the risk of these dangerous conditions. An estimated 1.13 billion people from worldwide suffering from the problem of hypertension, out of which most are living in low and middle-income countries. In 2015, 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women had hypertension. The current survey was undertaken to evaluate which drugs are prescribed frequently by the medical practitioners of Yewalewadi region. This paper revealed the study was to find out the most frequently used drug for the treatment of hypertension with antihypertensive drugs. The study revealed that calcium channel blocker drugs were most used drugs followed by Angiotensin receptor blocker.
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Suraj V. Bondre, Rushikesh S. Chavan, Indrayani D. Raut, Shrinivas K. Mohite, Chandrakant S. Magdum. An Overview of Survey on Antihypertensive Drugs. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 2020; 10(3):160-162. doi: 10.5958/2231-5691.2020.00028.3
Suraj V. Bondre, Rushikesh S. Chavan, Indrayani D. Raut, Shrinivas K. Mohite, Chandrakant S. Magdum. An Overview of Survey on Antihypertensive Drugs. Asian J. Pharm. Res. 2020; 10(3):160-162. doi: 10.5958/2231-5691.2020.00028.3 Available on: https://www.asianjpr.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2020-10-3-4
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